26 April 2007

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (Ravenswood)

What a gorgeous day in the city (Chicago). It's pleasantly overcast, humid, and a wonderful 57 degrees (F) with a gentle breeze.

I've been in love with days like today for quite some time without knowing exactly why. Perhaps it's the ability to feel comfortable wearing a long-sleeved shirt or a jacket - enjoying the contrasting temperature of warm body and chilled face. Maybe it's having the option of walking around outside with eyes wide open (no squinting in the bright sun today!). Possibly it's the feeling of more privacy than typical - walking down the rainy sidewalk while others huddle inside their cars or busses or beds.

Walking to the train stop in excellent company, dropping off a bag of shirts and slacks at the cleaners, carrying home a warm paper cup filled with aromatic goodness in chilled hands while smiling cynically at condensed cloudy breath in May (May!); it's likely an amalgam of all of these that make days like today what they are to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, listening to you talk about it makes me like these days too. Which is sayiing a lot since I love sunny days. I didn't know you were such a poet. ;)